Monday, August 31, 2009

This is How She Rolls

Blogging mom lesson #1: You must be prepared at all times. Life does not wait for a trip home to find the camera.

(Just for the peace of mind of some of my readers... err... my mom and sister... I did flip a lid, tell her to sit, and have Ben pull over before I allowed her back out of the seat to reenact the situation and reinforce the amusement she found in breaking out of her car-seat. Guess I showed her.)


Grandma Eroh said...

Who strapped her in?! Are you sure she was put in there right?! Maybe next time grandma should put her in. :) Good thing I read the entire comment before I freaked out! What a stinker! I think she takes after the Tyson side of the family! (at least that time) :) Love, grandma

Donna said...

Once they figure it out, I hear they try to do it frequently (ask Jamie Womack about that). When Addison was little and a even a couple times with Clark, I would think they were buckled up and then get home to find out differently. Addison is such a pro now that we get in the car and say everyone buckled. Addison will start screaming for me to stop if she isn't.

I do love the picture though. Way to reinact it, good thinking.

D's Mom said...

Delaney can buckle herself in, but I don't think she can undo the buckles. I guess that's good! :)

Rachel said...

Wow, they sure learn fast. You better be careful with that one.
BTW, I love her hairbow. Is that one that Andrea made for her? I've tried to make a few for Carly and mine are not nearly that good looking.

OK Chick said...

I can't believe how big she is getting, but still as cute as ever!

Lauren said...

She and Will are so precious!! I hope you all are doing well! You look beautiful as always!!

Unknown said...

I'm in complete agreement. That cleverness, ingenuity, and complete mastery over all things mechanical and electrical probably does come from the Tyson side of the family ;-)
Grampa T