Friday, July 2, 2010

The Word "Help" Is a Subjective Term


Grandma Eroh said...

I'm so glad my grandkids can "do the housework" while you get these darling videos!

Amy in Edmond said...

Yes, but someday he will truly be good at this task.

katie said...

Just now watched this video. It made me laugh. :) Love when he threw it again.

Devion said...

LOVE how he shuts the drawer after each one. However, I might bring my own silverware if I come to dinner. :) He was just trying to tell you that the spoon had been on the floor and needed to go back in the dishwasher!!! HA! Just teasing! Hope you're having a great trip! Come home soon!

Rachel said...

What a good boy and a patient momma. And Amy's right, it won't be too long either. Putting away the silverware is one of Carly's official jobs to do each day. Not that she loves it though :)