Friday, October 15, 2010

Letter to Unidentified Mother At Sophie's Preschool

Dear other mother at Sophie's preschool who always looks immaculate and trendy, as if fresh from the runway, at 9:15 a.m:

Let me begin by saying I'm sorry that I am wearing the same pair of grey fleece sweat pants yet again. And yes, this is the same hat I've worn every Tuesday and Thursday morning for the last two months. Oh wait, there was one day that I wore my black hat instead.

I am sure that if I were to ask, you would tell me that you also have five other children at home, ages five and under, and you had no issues with getting them all ready this morning in order to drop off your 3-yr-old at preschool. And yes, I am aware that your child just so happens be wearing a cute little polka-dot backpack instead of a character backpack.

I also have no doubt that during our conversation you would tell me that your house is spotless, including waxed tile and Windexed windows. Your laundry is done, folded, and actually put away in drawers. Your yard is mowed and the flowers in your flower bed are alive.

I cannot think of much I would say in response to this, so I will conclude by saying just one thing: today I wanted to hold my baby while he slept. So I did.



Devion said...

You are hilarious. Seriously. I feel the same way. One of my dad's associate dr's has a daugher in Cassie's class. His wife is always picture perfect, as is their little 2-y-o. I'm so with you and holding the baby is SO worth it! :) Besides, you're cute no matter what. :) :) :)

kauffeegrl said...

I agree Kelly. 20 years from now your kids are not going to remember how spotless the house was, or what was on their backpack. But they sure will know momma loved them enough to give them her time.:-)

Donna said...

Love the post and completely agree with those who have commented on your blog already. You enjoy that sweetie pie.

Unknown said...

I couldn't love this MORE. Love it!!!!

Katie said...

A. You are beautiful no matter what you are wearing. Both on the inside AND outside.

B. Even if that woman lloks so put together you have no idea if her house is!

C. The baby in the photo is adorable. I miss him.

Amy in Edmond said...

It doesn't matter what other people think as long as you are doing what God wants. That's what I am telling my kids, while they are learning to deal with peer pressure. God looks at the inside not the outside.

Jemma hardly ever fell asleep when I was holding her, so if she did, I didn't move.

John and Megan said...

Good for you!
P.S. I like hats!

Tiny Toes said...

Beautiful, clever, spectacular writing as usual my dear!! I will say it again, you capture our thoughts perfectly!

Mom said...

I'm glad you chose to hold my grandchild! I wish you wouldn't waste your time comparing yourself to others. God sees your beauty, Kelly, and that's all that matters! I love you, sweet girl!

Andrea Kay said...

I think your P.S. moment is exactly the moment that we live for. Keep wearing those fleece pants and taking in your precious boy!