Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Not That Satisfying for the Work It Required

I found myself running the circle around our kitchen and living room today with a Little Debbie 100 Calorie brownie, attempting to avoid the salivating toddler who was chasing me. Really, the thing only offers 3 bites. Can't I have all 3 of them?

On the bright side, maybe I worked off 10 of the calories.


Ryan Corcoran said...

According to the calorie calculators I found on the internet, you would have had to run about 5 mph for 1.5-2 minutes to achieve 10 calories burned. If you ran at least that long, then congratulations!

Abbie H. said...

Ohhh, how true is this post!!!!

I've spent many a moments trying to eat my food in peace.

Rachel said...

That totally sounds like something I'd do. Although we don't have a circle type flow in our house, I can definitely relate. It's gets a little worse the older they get though, because then they start asking, "what are you eating?" while you're trying your best to hide it.

Grandma said...

Oh, the honesty of you young mothers! I would never have admitted doing somthing like that.. I would just wait until you were all in bed, and then packed on the calories right before bedtime! Now I will admit that there are times we have treats at school when I try hiding them from 20 students! Love, grandma Eroh

OK Chick said...

SO if you weren't running around, would the cookie be worth the purchase???? I didn't know Little Debbie had 100 calorie snacks.

Donna said...

LOL! That is great. Wait until they are both chasing you. They can be in a completely different room and hear the rattling of wrappers. Mom, I want one too says the begging child. Addison will say mom what are you eating, I smell it. What? It is in my mouth and I am taller than you. I find myself running around the house or hiding in the bedroom. :)

Thanks for the chuckle.

katie said...

That is amusing... :)

Jessica said...

You must have a little miss piggy girl! :) Funny story! :)