Friday, May 21, 2010

We Grow 'Em Quirky Around Here

Will's favorite thing to play with lately...

I was hoping Sophie would at least make it to 6 before the desire for multiple piercings hit.


Jessica said...

I love that they are playing together in the dress up stuff (even if Will shouldn't be a princess and Soph should only wear one pair of earrings)! :)

Donna said...

I love it. They always make you smile.

Katie said...

Not quirky....cute!!

Tiny Toes said...


Rachel said...

Looks like great fun! And don't worry about Will. Isaac did a lot of that sort of thing around the same age and still occasionally picks up a princess item, but he's definitely all boy. It's just how they play with big sister. (Although you're probably not really worried about it anyway.)
In fact the other day I tried on a tutu on Isaac that I was making for one of his friends (a girl a few months younger than him) and he thought it was funny. Shawn was appalled when I told him later. Ha!