Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Is it too early for modeling the proper way... for guiding little hands...

For passing responsibility little by little as they are able...

For molding and shaping, teaching and training...

No, dear friend, it is never too early to begin. It takes but a gentle whisper of the Word, or a bouquet of songs of praise as the day passes. As for our family, amidst earthly traditions which we will cherish together, we choose foremost to begin now in leading our family down the path carved for us by those we love... continuing in a legacy for HIM.

"We will not hide them from their children; we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the LORD, his power, and the wonders he has done... so the next generation would know them, even the children yet to be born, and they in turn would tell their children." Psalm 78:4&6

Women Walking With God 2011 is all about Leaving a Legacy! Won't you join us here, in Wichita, to hear the blessed truths amongst 900 sweet sisters? Keep checking our website for further updates - tickets go on sale in November!

*Did you secretly notice that both of my boys had their tongues sticking out in concentration? Another Tyson-man legacy...*


Amy in Edmond said...

I thought I saw Will's tongue sticking out.

Jemma does it when she is concentrating and my grandmother does it also.

Donna said...

Your are leaving a great legacy. Love the tongue!

JEroh said...

Michael Jordan was a tongue sticker-outer, too. Just sayin'...

Grandma Eroh said...

Beautifully written, sweet daughter of mine. I love watching Ben and you with my grandchidren (Troy and Katie, too).