Did you know it's already time to visit your local pumpkin patch? Make plans now so you don't let the time slip away from you. We took a trip to one this weekend with my sister, Katie, and her family (in Nebraska). The place we went was called the Roca Berry Farm, and there were so many fun things for the kiddos to do. Although I'm a summer-lovin', hot weather girl all the way, going on the hay-rack ride really put me in the mood for sweaters and bonfires (since I frequent the bonfire scene). Now I'm determined to find us a pumpkin patch in Wichita to visit before the season has vamoosed.
Enjoy the pics!
Me & Sophie, Katie & Delaney:
Sweet, sweet, sweet:
Ben & Soph, Troy & Delaney:
Nolan the Gingerbread Man:
Delaney was LOVIN' the inflatables:
Delaney had to help her little cousin push the stroller:
Noley-Noles was TUCKERED:
Delaney's pig face:
Our Li'l Pumpkin:
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Pumpkins Already?!
Friday, September 26, 2008
Go do something unusual this weekend - take in a movie. Not just any movie. Go see Fireproof. Most of what we watch these days does nothing to further our lives. This movie promises to: a) be worth your time, b) challenge you spiritually, and c) strengthen your marriage/relationships. Plus, for those of you who joined me every night for "Growing Pains" as a kid, it's a rare opportunity to see that cute Kirk Cameron in action again.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Peek-a-Boo, Teeny Tiny!
When I was pregnant with Sophie, we called her "Itty Bitty." This baby has therefore been dubbed "Teeny Tiny" (TT for short). We peeked in at Teeny Tiny this morning, on my wonderful husband's 30th birthday! Sorry to disappoint the many inquiring minds, but we chose NOT to find out what the sex of the baby is. It is going to be hard, but I'm excited to have this fun surprise waiting on us.
In this picture, you can see the hand/arm above TT's head (you can see one eye socket, and big circle in right corner is the belly).
Love those little feet!! (Foot measured about 1 inch in length today - wow!!)
This is a great profile shot of TT in a fetal position. It wasn't easy to catch - this little baby was moving ALL over the place!
For those of you who always ask (Jennifer & Aleasha), the baby's heartrate was 135. According to an old wives' tale, lower rates like this one signify a boy. Guess we'll see in another 5 months!
I can't believe my hubby is 30. I love you - happy birthday, Beni Bani!!
Friday, September 19, 2008
Last night I drove to Oklahoma City sans husband and child. My purpose for going was to attend a conference today about stroke intervention. While the conference was good, the company was so much better! Transitioning to a new city is never easy (even if you grew up there), and I have so missed the fun that I had with the "speechies" I worked with at Jim Thorpe Rehab! I have included pics of some of the girls with Soph when she was born.
Here is Ashley. Ash and I started at Jim Thorpe at the same time, straight out of grad school. We learned survival "in the real speech world" together and, even though she is way cooler than me, she never held it over my head. We had a blast with each other. (If you're wondering what's on Sophie's head, it's the fru-fru bow from Auntie Ashley, of course!)Jennifer (with son Bryce), was an amazing "mentor" from day one. She never acted annoyed to be there late to help Ashley and I learn. Her love for her work, along with her quick wit, helped me through many a day.
Aleasha (with son Coleman) was my supervisor when I was a speech student at Jim Thorpe. She is a riot and never ceases to make me laugh.
This is Kelly. Kelly and her husband, Chad, have an amazing story written by the Lord.
In late June, Kelly and Chad's newborn son, Brayden, went home to be with God. They had been blessed to know Brayden a little over 2 months. Through the whole process, Chad and Kelly trusted the Lord and never doubted his promises. Today, Kelly told me that she is again expecting. And on their blog, you see the words written of God, "You give and take away..." (Job 1).
I just had to praise God as I drove home tonight. How beautiful and uplifting to see two such faithful servants, who are now being rewarded for their service.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Momma's Baby
I am a little slow and until yesterday I hadn't taught Sophie where her Momma's baby was. I finally showed her where to find the baby, and she quickly caught on. (While the whole video is cute, I love her cute little rear walking out of the kitchen!!)
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Thursday, September 11, 2008
When You Really Want Your Camera...
...your husband randomly takes it to work.
So a guy from SBC stopped by yesterday to tell me they had to dig up our fence. The last owner put the fence on top of the phone line. He said there would be a small trench in our yard for about a week.
Sophie and I spent the morning out and about. Upon arriving home, I found our fence gate missing with a rather large bulldozer in our backyard and a pile of dirt that's as tall as I am. I realize I'm not blessed in the heighth arena, but I'd say that's more than a "small trench."
So much for a nice, fresh start with a backyard that wasn't torn up by our dogs.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Our Big Girl
What a big girl Sophie is becoming! She was 14 months on the 26th of August, and she is still (as much as ever) Miss Independent. Sophie decides what she wants to do or eat and she tells us all about it when she doesn't get what she wants. We are already praying for lots of wisdom in raising this strong-willed child in the years to come!
Sophers is talking up a storm! Most if it is still baby babble, but she has started to say some words and it is precious. She also LOVES to copy us and tries to repeat many things we say. This is a sampling of the things she says on her own:
1. Bye-Bye (I was even informed she said this one "on the phone" in the church nursery today)
2. More (she's great with this one when she's eating!)
3. Nose
4. Ball
5. Grandma and Grandad
6. Bubble - this is her newest one. We've played with bubbles some lately, and she would repeat me saying it, but she shocked Momma tonight with this one. When we were playing in the nursery at church, she pointed up on the shelf at the bubbles and said, "Bu-bu!"
Here are some cute pictures we took today in her new bows from Miss Andrea. Andrea is a friend from church who keeps Sophie well supplied with high-fashion hairbows. I mentioned at one point that none of our "Andrea designer" bows were in doubles, so we couldn't use them with pigtails. Did Andrea ever deliver! Today we were surprised with multiple pairs of cute new bows. Thanks, Andrea - bring on the piggy-tails!
A couple of new bath pics. Too cute to pass up!
We are having so much fun with Sophie and feel so blessed every day to be her Momma and DaDa. Children truly are a blessing from the Lord!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Just Me & Three Babies
If you think I can't count, don't forget the little hidden one to come. What a workout they gave me!!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Blue Eyed Cousins
On Friday we were blessed to get some visitors from Utah! Ben's mom and dad, along with his sister Jen and her 9-month-old, Elyssa, came to visit us for the week. They'll be here until this coming Friday. Here are some pictures of the fun times the girls have been having together!
We love books! (And we love reading with Grandpa)
Bath time!
At the park (and it was chilly!!):